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Tolerancia experimental de las especies vegetales Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia , Tecoma stans , Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea al boro, en Argentina. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. El primer paso es detectar las especies vegetales tolerantes, lo que constituye el objetivo de este trabajo. Se concluye que N. Experimental tolerance to boron of the plant species Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia , Tecoma stans , Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea in Argentina. The activity of boron industries is a punctual and diffuse source of air, soil and water pollution. Therefore, it is a priority to study possible ways of reducing this impact. A relatively new technology for reducing soil pollution is. Experimental tolerance to boron of the plant species Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia , Tecoma stans , Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea in Argentina; Tolerancia experimental de las especies vegetales Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia , Tecoma stans , Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea al boro, en Argentina. Viana, Marta L. Nacional de Salta, Inst. The activity of the borate deposits industries constitutes a point source and diffuse pollution of air, soil and water. Therefore, the study and experimentation on possible ways to offset this impact is a priority. A relatively new technique to decontaminate soils is phytoremediation, which uses plants and associated microorganisms. The first step is to identify tolerant plant species, which is the focus of this work. An experiment was conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the germination, survival and growth of different species in different concentrations of boron. At the beginning and end of the experiment was determined concentration of boron in the substrate for each treatment and for substrates with and without vegetation. Significant differences due to treatment, the species and species-treatment interaction. The other species showed a decrease in all variables-response function of the concentration of the contaminant.

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