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seems impossible. CuriousBreastall became

Retrieved 10 January At the ends of the ducts are lobules , or clusters of alveoli , where milk is produced and stored in response to hormonal signals. Dietary iodine deficiency may also play a role in the development of breast cancer. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Sage Publications Inc. American Cancer Society. Categories : Breast Breastfeeding Human sexuality. Breast augmentation surgery generally does not interfere with future ability to breastfeed. Mammary Glands The mammary glands are modified sweat glands. Because the prognosis for breast cancer was at this stage relatively favorable, compared to the prognosis for other cancers, breast cancer as cause of death among women was

Non-invasive breast cancer is usually found during a mammogram and rarely shows as a breast lump. Talk with a healthcare professional about the benefits and risks of hormone therapy. Archived from the original on 3 July In some cases, some or all treatments are postponed until after birth if the cancer is diagnosed late in the pregnancy. Abortion would interrupt this process, leaving in the gland undifferentiated structures like those observed in the rat mammary gland, which could render the gland again susceptible to carcinogenesis. Until then, cells are protected from programmed death by several protein clusters and pathways. Wolters Kluwer; Main article: Breast cancer. Andrea Thompson 2 November There were exceptions: Aphrodite , the goddess of love, was more frequently portrayed fully nude, though in postures that were intended to portray shyness or modesty, a portrayal that has been compared to modern pin ups by historian Marilyn Yalom.

Anatomical Structure

Malignant tumours can result in metastatic tumours — secondary tumours originating from the primary tumour that spread beyond the site of origination. In rare cases, men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. Overview Breast anatomy Enlarge image Close. Dietary iodine deficiency may also play a role in the development of breast cancer. Each lobule consists of many alveoli drained by a single lactiferous duct. Contents move to sidebar hide. Classification D. Ethology and Sociobiology. Retrieved 31 December This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. In time, cancer cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body. In the USA the five-year survival rate for localized breast cancer was

Breast - Wikipedia

  • Breast cancer that starts in the ducts Breast called invasive ductal carcinoma.
  • Breast cancer is usually treated with Breast, which may be followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or both.
  • Human upright stance meant infants must be carried at the hip or shoulder Breast of on the back as in the apes, Breast.

The breasts are paired structures located on the anterior thoracic wall, in the pectoral region. They are present in both males and females, yet are more prominent in females following puberty. In females, the breasts contain the mammary glands — an accessory gland of the female reproductive system. The mammary glands are the key structures involved in lactation. In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the breasts — their structure, innervation, vascular supply and any clinical relevance. The breast is located on the anterior thoracic wall. It extends horizontally from the lateral border of the sternum to the mid-axillary line. Vertically, it spans between the 2nd and 6th costal cartilages. It lies superficially to the pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles. At the centre of the breast is the nipple , composed mostly of smooth muscle fibres. Surrounding the nipple is a pigmented area of skin termed the areolae. There are numerous sebaceous glands within the areolae — these enlarge during pregnancy, secreting an oily substance that acts as a protective lubricant for the nipple. Fig 1 — The surface anatomy of the breast. Note that the axillary tail has not been labelled in this diagram. The mammary glands are modified sweat glands. They consist of a series of ducts and secretory lobules Each lobule consists of many alveoli drained by a single lactiferous duct. These ducts converge at the nipple like spokes of a wheel. The connective tissue stroma is a supporting structure which surrounds the mammary glands.

The breast is one of two prominences located on Breast upper ventral region of a primate 's torso, Breast. Both females and males develop breasts from the same embryological tissues. In females, Breast, it serves as the mammary glandwhich produces and secretes milk to feed infants. At the ends of the ducts are lobulesor clusters of alveoliwhere milk is produced and stored in response to hormonal signals, Breast. Humans are the only animals with Breast breasts. At pubertyestrogens, in conjunction Breast growth hormonecause permanent breast growth in female humans, Breast. This happens only to a much lesser extent in other primates—breast development in other primates generally only occurs with pregnancy. Along with their major function in providing nutrition for infants, female breasts have social and sexual Breast. Breasts have been featured in ancient and modern sculpture, art, and photography.

Breast. The Breasts

Each breast contains 15 to 20 lobes of glandular tissue, arranged like the petals of a daisy. The lobes are further divided into smaller Breast that produce milk for breastfeeding. Small tubes, Breast, called ducts, Breast, conduct the milk to Breast reservoir that lies just beneath your nipple. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the United States. But breast cancer doesn't just happen in women. Everyone is born with some breast tissue, so anyone can get breast cancer. Breast cancer survival rates have been increasing. And the number of people dying of breast cancer is steadily going down. Much of this Breast due to the widespread support for breast cancer awareness and funding for research, Breast. Advances in breast cancer screening allow healthcare professionals to diagnose breast cancer earlier. Finding the cancer earlier makes it much more likely that the cancer can be cured, Breast.

Surface Anatomy

Back to Health A to Z. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 50, but younger women can also get breast cancer. About 1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. There's a good chance of recovery if it's detected at an early stage.

Breasts, especially the nipples, are an erogenous zone. International Patients.

Breast cancer - Symptoms and treatment

Author: Doshura

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