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Chuckie has a couple of vivid dreams one night, and then the other rugrats are hard-pressed to convince him he's not still dreaming throughout the rest of the day. O nas. Training child concept. It's Didi's birthday and Stu and Lou are having a surprise party. When Grandpa accidentally loses Tommy, he must resort to his old private-eye skills learned in the thirties to track the boy down. Tommy gets put in a care center that seems an awful lot like a prison. Pomóż nam usprawnić wyszukiwanie. Aplikacja mobilna Shutterstock. The babies are worried that their new babysitter, a teen-angst wanna-be rocker named Taffy, is unhappy because she sings such sad songs. Tommy feels left out when everyone else is getting attention so he decides to try Angelica's technique of pretending to be sick or hurt. Kobieta siedząca na toalecie z biegunką lub zaparciami koncepcji bólu.

British After their second child was born in , she would work days as a medical clerk for the Army and come home at night to two babies in diapers - and often no husband. When the bug dies, Chuckie has a hard time accepting it, and goes through the normal grieving process of denial, anger, and then acceptance. Tommy and Angelica come to visit him, and not only do they liven up the place, but Grandpa realizes how much they need him when he rescues them from trouble. When Chuckie rips his shirt, Chas buys him a new one, leading Chuckie to think he's not the same person and start going by the name "Ralph. Two hoods mistake Tommy for a millionaire's kid and kidnap him. Female model has constipation. Asian boy Sitting on the toilet bowl. When a game of hide and go seek goes awry, Chuckie loses his glasses and the whole world appears to him a a blurry kaleidoscopic nightmare. Lou says it will cause "buck teeth," so Angelica tells the babies that if they don't stop sucking their thumbs they'll turn into ducks.

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The Rugrats are confused when Tommy gets a case of the hiccups. Obserwuj nas. She likes being a baby. The Rugrats inadvertently help the adults catch that very fish and get Cynthia back. The one problem is that she's the little sister of Big Binky, an over-protective and very large three year old. When Didi goes on a "Jeopardy" style game show, she must confront her inner doubts. A może wolisz pouczyć się nowych słówek? A skunk sprays Chuckie and he becomes even more pitiful than usual. The diaper head. Much to her surprise, and to the astonishment of the rugrats, she makes Lil disappear.

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  • While watching a scary show a kid discovers his dad is really a robot.
  • If Angelica can remain silent for a whole day, her parents will buy her an amazing present
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Recenzje klientów, w tym oceny produktu w postaci gwiazdek, pomagają klientom dowiedzieć się więcej o produkcie i zdecydować, czy jest dla nich odpowiedni. Aby obliczyć ogólną ocenę w postaci gwiazdek i procentowy podział według gwiazdek, nie używamy prostej średniej. Zamiast tego nasz system bierze pod uwagę takie kwestie, jak aktualność recenzji i czy recenzent kupił produkt w serwisie Amazon. Analizuje również recenzje w celu zweryfikowania wiarygodności. Opcje zakupu i dodatki. Oh, no! It's a potty-training disaster! She likes being a baby. She likes being hugged and cuddled all day. And she especially likes knowing that her parents love her just the way she is-stinky diaper and all. If Etta lets them change her diaper, she'll be one step closer to growing up! But will her parents still love her when she's not a baby anymore? It takes a special preschool friend to help Etta learn the truth about growing up. Is it possible her parents' love will grow, too? Zgłoś błąd z tym produktem. Previous page.

Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. W znalezieniu tłumaczenia pomoże także angielsko-polski słownik bab. Język strony en English pl Polski. Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages. British After their second child was born inshe would work days as a medical clerk for the Army and come home at night to two babies in diapers - and often no husband.

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Odpowiednia info. Angelica hits Tommy's favorite ball over the fenceduring a Fourth of July picnic, abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn. The babies go to the movies. Phil and Lil star in a diaper commercial, upset the crew and destroy the director's prized set. Two hoods mistake Tommy abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn a millionaire's kid and kidnap him. Grandpa is supposed to play his trumpet at a Picnic, but Spike runs off with his dentures. While watching a scary show a kid discovers his dad is really a robot. Stu and Didi build a haunted house and the Rugrats sneak in. Didi decides it's time to wean Tommy from the bottle. The dads are watching football on TV, the Rugrats are in their pen and Angelica decides she wants Tommy's chocolate milk bottle. The Rugrats stage a trial to determine who broke Tommy's clown lamp. Angelica and her kitty, Fluffy, act and look like evil twins. Fluffy breaks some pottery and Spike is wrongly accused.

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When Randy Carmichael's boss, the producer of the Dummi Bears Show, comes over for dinner, the Rugrats think Susie's going to have to move away.

Author: Dougar

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